05 February, 2011

Chinese New Year in 2 days

This is the third day of Chinese New Year. While checking the stats of this blog as I got ready to work, I had a shock of a lifetime when I saw my blog being listed under Blogger of the Week on MyInternet, DiGi website.

My first reaction was ... "Yikes! What have I done?! Am I being blacklisted?!" Oh well, no wonder my blog suddenly receives so much traffic these few days. But I do wonder HOW I got listed there. Honestly speaking, I really like that little simple nice banner with a green globe and plants, may I "steal" it? *chuckle* Sincere thanks to DiGi or whosoever who got my simple blog listed!

Anyway, to the fellow Chinese friends, how have your Chinese New Year celebration been? I had a bad start.

First day, I was down with severe headache and I slept the WHOLE day. Woke up around 8 pm, took a bit of food, and took medicine too as the headache got worse. At about 10 pm, headache was finally gone so I watched The Superb Matchmakers (媒人帮) on NTV7.

Photo courtesy of http://sinsonsen.blogspot.com

It wasn't bad. I would have to say that it was quite impressive. Credit should be given where credit is due. The Malaysian actors/actresses/producers have improved a lot since the last time I watched a Malaysian-made movie/drama (like about 10 years ago?). Thumbs up and well done!

Second day, I stayed at home working on my report (well, being a workaholic...) until a group of youths stormed my house. Everything was fine except two things that made me feel frustrated.
They were all minding their own businesses. Talking among themselves, playing with iphones/ipods, and they couldn't even remember who the host is. So 'tis what visiting is all about?

Okay then, that is still forgivable compared to this one.

The rubbish bin was RIGHT THERE and see where the tissue paper ended up? On the floor. I'm very sure that it wasn't the fan that blew it off the table. 

Here's another piece. Someone must have just left it there right after use. Couldn't even bother to throw it into the bin that is less than 5 steps away.

So the question is, if you can't even bother about keeping clean at someone else's house, then it is definitely impossible that you would even remember not to litter at public places. Agree with me?

At night, I went out with friends to watch I Love Hong Kong (我爱HK 开心万岁).

Wow, this feel good movie really makes people feel good! We laughed from the beginning to the end. And people even clapped! It wasn't like 花田喜事2010 (not sure what the English name is) aired last year, which was funny but illogical, and a bit lame too. I Love Hong Kong is different as the story was more realistic, added with humour. I particularly enjoyed the scenes by Sandra Ng. But you would need to understand at least 50% of Cantonese to watch this movie, or else you'd be at a lost. The subtitles do help, but it's still an advantage to know Cantonese. Definitely a MUST watch!

Let me share with you two miracles that happened. I was still suffering from slight headache before watching this movie but after watching, my headache was gone! One of my friends lost her voice before the movie, but she laughed so much that after the movie, she regained her voice. *chuckle* See, miracles do happen!

Okay, better get back to work now. Well, I may have a lousy start to another year, but I hope my days get better and there would be a happy ending towards the end of the year!

A Happy New Year to all Chinese celebrating Chinese New Year and Happy Holidays to non-Chinese! Salam 1Malaysia! *wink*

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